Log On

If you already have a username and password for this site, please log on.

You do not have to create a User Account to use this site if you want to search and view lobbying information that is available to the public.
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Create User Account
You must create a User Account and log on if you would like to:
  • Register a lobbying principal or amend a current registration
  • Obtain a lobbyist license or amend a current license
  • Complete a 15 day notification or 6 month report
  • Subscribe to the FOCUS notification service
If you do not currently have a User Name and a Password and wish to perform one of these tasks, please create a user account.
Please note that usernames are not case-sensitive, but passwords are.

Passwords have a minimum of 8 characters and a maximum of 128.

Passwords must have at least three (3) of the following:
  • One Uppercase Letter
  • One Lowercase Letter
  • One Number (0-9)
  • One Special Character (!, #, $, etc.)
To report state agency legislative liaisons, log in with your agency's username and password.

If you have any questions about the login process, please contact a Wisconsin Ethics Commission staff member at (608) 266-8123.