Legislative Efforts

Topic Not Assigned A Bill Or Rule Number

Principals registered to lobby in Wisconsin are required to report "topics" on which they are lobbying. Topics are matters which have not yet become bills, resolutions, or administrative rulemaking proceedings.

For instance, if a principal lobbied on crowning cheese King of Wisconsin, and that matter had not yet been introduced in legislation, the principal should report "crowning cheese King of Wisconsin" as a topic within 15 days of the first communication.


Amend Wis. Stats. §6.88 and §7.52 to allow true early voting by permitting electors to place their ballots immediately into a locked ballot box prior to an election or to allow the early processing of absentee ballots.

Lobbying Principals

Principal Name Notified Date Communication Date Comments Supporting Documentation  
City of Milwaukee Notified Date 3/10/2017 Communication Date N/A Comments   Supporting Documentation    

Lobbying Efforts

No principal has reported any activity on this administrative rule during the current legislative session.