Scott Stenger

Licensed Lobbyist Details

Scott Stenger
Stenger Government Relations
44 E Mifflin St, Ste 600
Madison, WI 53703
(608) 287-0403
(608) 287-0414

Principals Represented

Principal Name Exclusive? Authorized On Withdrawn On
American General Corporation (formerly American General Finance Inc.) Exclusive? N/A Authorized On 1/13/2005 Withdrawn On N/A
Madison Gas & Electric Company Exclusive? N/A Authorized On 1/1/2005 Withdrawn On N/A
Miller Brewing Company Exclusive? N/A Authorized On 1/1/2005 Withdrawn On N/A
Municipal Taxpayer Commission Exclusive? N/A Authorized On 1/3/2005 Withdrawn On N/A
Philip Morris Incorporated by its service company Philip Morris Management Corp Exclusive? N/A Authorized On 1/1/2005 Withdrawn On N/A
Takeda Pharmaceuticals America Exclusive? N/A Authorized On 2/10/2006 Withdrawn On N/A
Tavern League of Wisconsin Exclusive? N/A Authorized On 1/3/2005 Withdrawn On N/A
Verizon Communications Exclusive? N/A Authorized On 1/20/2005 Withdrawn On N/A
Verizon Wireless Exclusive? N/A Authorized On 1/20/2005 Withdrawn On N/A
Wilderness Hotel & Golf Resort Exclusive? N/A Authorized On 3/10/2006 Withdrawn On N/A
Wisconsin Athletic Trainers Association Inc Exclusive? N/A Authorized On 1/3/2005 Withdrawn On N/A
Wisconsin Commercial Fisheries Association Exclusive? N/A Authorized On 3/9/2005 Withdrawn On N/A
Wisconsin Ethanol Producers Association Exclusive? N/A Authorized On 2/10/2006 Withdrawn On N/A

Time Report Summary

Category January 2005 to June 2005 July 2005 to December 2005 January 2006 to June 2006 July 2006 to December 2006
Communication January 2005 to June 2005 307.00 July 2005 to December 2005 152.50 January 2006 to June 2006 170.25 July 2006 to December 2006 21.00
Other January 2005 to June 2005 560.00 July 2005 to December 2005 251.00 January 2006 to June 2006 406.50 July 2006 to December 2006 31.50

Filed Time Reports

January 2005 to June 2005 July 2005 to December 2005 January 2006 to June 2006 July 2006 to December 2006
January 2005 to June 2005 American General Corporation (formerly American General Finance Inc.)
Madison Gas & Electric Company
Miller Brewing Company
Municipal Taxpayer Commission
Philip Morris Incorporated by its service company Philip Morris Management Corp
Tavern League of Wisconsin
Verizon Communications
Verizon Wireless
Wisconsin Athletic Trainers Association Inc
Wisconsin Commercial Fisheries Association
July 2005 to December 2005 American General Corporation (formerly American General Finance Inc.)
Madison Gas & Electric Company
Miller Brewing Company
Municipal Taxpayer Commission
Philip Morris Incorporated by its service company Philip Morris Management Corp
Tavern League of Wisconsin
Verizon Communications
Verizon Wireless
Wisconsin Athletic Trainers Association Inc
Wisconsin Commercial Fisheries Association
January 2006 to June 2006 American General Corporation (formerly American General Finance Inc.)
Madison Gas & Electric Company
Miller Brewing Company
Municipal Taxpayer Commission
Philip Morris Incorporated by its service company Philip Morris Management Corp
Takeda Pharmaceuticals America
Tavern League of Wisconsin
Verizon Communications
Verizon Wireless
Wilderness Hotel & Golf Resort
Wisconsin Athletic Trainers Association Inc
Wisconsin Commercial Fisheries Association
Wisconsin Ethanol Producers Association
July 2006 to December 2006 American General Corporation (formerly American General Finance Inc.)
Madison Gas & Electric Company
Miller Brewing Company
Municipal Taxpayer Commission
Philip Morris Incorporated by its service company Philip Morris Management Corp
Takeda Pharmaceuticals America
Tavern League of Wisconsin
Verizon Communications
Verizon Wireless
Wilderness Hotel & Golf Resort
Wisconsin Athletic Trainers Association Inc
Wisconsin Commercial Fisheries Association
Wisconsin Ethanol Producers Association