Jesse Bolder

Licensed Lobbyist Details

Jesse Bolder
Wisconsin Window & Door Manufacturers Coalition
500 3rd Street, Suite 700, P.O. Box 8050
Wausau, WI 54402-8050
(715) 845-4336
(715) 845-2718

Principals Represented

Principal Name Exclusive? Authorized On Withdrawn On
Wisconsin Window & Door Manufacturers Coalition Exclusive? N/A Authorized On 5/6/2005 Withdrawn On N/A

Time Report Summary

Category January 2005 to June 2005 July 2005 to December 2005 January 2006 to June 2006 July 2006 to December 2006
Communication January 2005 to June 2005 4.50 July 2005 to December 2005 9.50 January 2006 to June 2006 1.00 July 2006 to December 2006 0.00
Other January 2005 to June 2005 32.50 July 2005 to December 2005 11.40 January 2006 to June 2006 1.50 July 2006 to December 2006 0.00

Filed Time Reports

January 2005 to June 2005 July 2005 to December 2005 January 2006 to June 2006 July 2006 to December 2006
January 2005 to June 2005 Wisconsin Window & Door Manufacturers Coalition
July 2005 to December 2005 Wisconsin Window & Door Manufacturers Coalition
January 2006 to June 2006 Wisconsin Window & Door Manufacturers Coalition
July 2006 to December 2006 Wisconsin Window & Door Manufacturers Coalition