Gary Myrah

Licensed Lobbyist Details

Gary Myrah
Wisconsin Council for Administrators of Special Services
4797 Hayes Rd
Madison, WI 53704
(608) 245-2511
(608) 249-3163

Principals Represented

Principal Name Exclusive? Authorized On Withdrawn On
Wisconsin Council for Administrators of Special Services Exclusive? N/A Authorized On 12/9/2014 Withdrawn On N/A

Time Report Summary

Category January 2015 to June 2015 July 2015 to December 2015 January 2016 to June 2016 July 2016 to December 2016
Communication January 2015 to June 2015 6.00 July 2015 to December 2015 0.00 January 2016 to June 2016 3.00 July 2016 to December 2016 5.00
Other January 2015 to June 2015 32.00 July 2015 to December 2015 109.00 January 2016 to June 2016 80.00 July 2016 to December 2016 52.00

Filed Time Reports

January 2015 to June 2015 July 2015 to December 2015 January 2016 to June 2016 July 2016 to December 2016
January 2015 to June 2015 Wisconsin Council for Administrators of Special Services
July 2015 to December 2015 Wisconsin Council for Administrators of Special Services
January 2016 to June 2016 Wisconsin Council for Administrators of Special Services
July 2016 to December 2016 Wisconsin Council for Administrators of Special Services