Joseph Strohl

Licensed Lobbyist Details

Joseph Strohl
Self Employed Contract Lobbyist
321 East Main St, Ste 200
Madison, WI 53703
(608) 251-0900

Principals Represented

Principal Name Exclusive? Authorized On Withdrawn On
Bank of America Corporation Exclusive? Yes Authorized On 12/16/2020 Withdrawn On N/A
BNSF Railway Exclusive? No Authorized On 2/3/2021 Withdrawn On N/A
Menominee County Exclusive? No Authorized On 12/29/2020 Withdrawn On N/A
Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin Exclusive? No Authorized On 12/16/2020 Withdrawn On N/A
Professional Fire Fighters of Wisconsin Inc Exclusive? No Authorized On 12/22/2020 Withdrawn On N/A
Wisconsin Association for Justice Exclusive? No Authorized On 12/16/2020 Withdrawn On N/A

Time Report Summary

Category January 2021 to June 2021 July 2021 to December 2021 January 2022 to June 2022 July 2022 to December 2022
Communication January 2021 to June 2021 140.50 July 2021 to December 2021 85.10 January 2022 to June 2022 99.00 July 2022 to December 2022 42.00
Other January 2021 to June 2021 743.50 July 2021 to December 2021 484.75 January 2022 to June 2022 477.25 July 2022 to December 2022 440.25