Milwaukee Police Association

Registered Principal Details

Business Or Interest:
Sole bargaining agent for the City of Milwaukee police officers regarding hours, wages and working conditions.

Lobbying Interests:
Any and all matters that may affect the Milwaukee Police Association and its members pursuant to its described business and interests.

CEO Name:
Bradley DeBraska

Debra Schneider
1840 N Farwell Ave #400
Milwaukee, WI 53202
(414) 273-2515
(414) 273-7237

Authorized Lobbyists

Lobbyist Name Exclusive Duties Authorized On Withdrawn On
William Ward Exclusive Duties N/A Authorized On 1/6/2003 Withdrawn On N/A
Bradley DeBraska Exclusive Duties N/A Authorized On 1/6/2003 Withdrawn On N/A
Joseph Honzelka Exclusive Duties N/A Authorized On 2/5/2004 Withdrawn On N/A

Lobbying Interests

Legislative Bills/Resolutions

Assembly Bill 40
Assembly Bill 40
relating to: retired peace officers carrying a concealed weapon and the content of operators' licenses and identification cards issued by the Department of Transportation and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.

Bill Text and History

Assembly Bill 128
Assembly Bill 128
relating to: disciplinary procedures for certain local law enforcement officers and fire fighters.

Bill Text and History

Assembly Bill 141
Assembly Bill 141
relating to: the eligibility of employees of cities, villages, towns, and counties to be candidates for elective public office.

Bill Text and History

2003 Wisconsin Act 79

Assembly Bill 142
Assembly Bill 142
relating to: the authority of attorneys to issue subpoenas.

Bill Text and History

Assembly Bill 189
Assembly Bill 189
relating to: prohibiting cities, villages, towns, counties, and school districts from imposing residency requirements on certain employees.

Bill Text and History

Assembly Bill 196
Assembly Bill 196
relating to: access to public records.

Bill Text and History

2003 Wisconsin Act 47

Assembly Bill 265
Assembly Bill 265
relating to: causing substantial bodily harm to another person and providing a penalty.

Bill Text and History

2003 Wisconsin Act 223

Assembly Bill 304
Assembly Bill 304
relating to: collective bargaining over health care coverage for municipal employees; allowing municipal employers to change health care coverage plan providers; factors considered in rendering a collective bargaining arbitration decision; requiring the Gr...

Bill Text and History

Assembly Bill 336
Assembly Bill 336
relating to: exempting from taxation retirement plan income received by an individual.

Bill Text and History

Assembly Bill 412
Assembly Bill 412
relating to: changing the method of selecting the chief of police and chief engineer of the fire department in a first class city.

Bill Text and History

Assembly Bill 428
Assembly Bill 428
relating to: the reporting of child abuse or neglect, and actions related to sexual exploitation brought against members of the clergy and religious organizations.

Bill Text and History

Assembly Bill 444
Assembly Bill 444
relating to: carrying or going armed with a concealed weapon, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, making appropriations, and providing penalties.

Bill Text and History

Assembly Bill 483
Assembly Bill 483
relating to: the prohibition against resisting or obstructing an officer and providing penalties.

Bill Text and History

Assembly Bill 598
Assembly Bill 598
relating to: employment relations under the Municipal Employment Relations Act.

Bill Text and History

Assembly Bill 599
Assembly Bill 599
relating to: payment of employee required contributions under the Wisconsin Retirement System.

Bill Text and History

Assembly Bill 642
Assembly Bill 642
relating to: qualified domestic relations orders.

Bill Text and History

2003 Wisconsin Act 160

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.
Assembly Bill 797
Assembly Bill 797
relating to: the regulation of pawnbrokers and secondhand article and jewelry dealers.

Bill Text and History

Assembly Bill 829
Assembly Bill 829
relating to: interest rates for residential loans involving the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority.

Bill Text and History

Assembly Joint Resolution 55
Assembly Joint Resolution 55
relating to: elector approval for certain taxing, spending, and bonding decisions by the state and local governmental units, emergency taxes, required reserves, refunds of amounts in excess of the approved amounts, and reduction of tax rates to reflect the...

Bill Text and History

Assembly Resolution 30
Assembly Resolution 30
relating to: proclaiming that the ancient Macedonians were Hellenes and that the inhabitants of the northern province of Greece, Macedonia, are their Hellenic descendants.

Bill Text and History

Senate Bill 12
Senate Bill 12
relating to: campaign financing, official action in return for providing or withholding political contributions, services, or other things of value, lobbying regulation, designations for the Wisconsin election campaign fund by individuals filing state inco...

Bill Text and History

Senate Bill 15
Senate Bill 15
relating to: creation of a Joint Survey Committee on State Mandates and required funding of state mandates.

Bill Text and History

Senate Bill 46
Senate Bill 46
relating to: the designation and marking of certain highways and bridges.

Bill Text and History

2003 Wisconsin Act 218

Senate Bill 48
Senate Bill 48
relating to: disciplinary procedures for certain local law enforcement officers and fire fighters.

Bill Text and History

Senate Bill 78
Senate Bill 78
relating to: access to public records.

Bill Text and History

Senate Bill 119
Senate Bill 119
relating to: payment of litigation expenses of emergency medical services personnel, fire fighters, and law enforcement or correctional officers.

Bill Text and History

Senate Bill 158
Senate Bill 158
relating to: limitations upon the use of moneys derived from employment for political purposes.

Bill Text and History

Senate Bill 160
Senate Bill 160
relating to: exempting from taxation retirement plan income received by an individual.

Bill Text and History

Senate Bill 207
Senate Bill 207
relating to: the reporting of child abuse or neglect, and actions related to sexual exploitation brought against members of the clergy and religious organizations.

Bill Text and History

2003 Wisconsin Act 279

Senate Bill 214
Senate Bill 214
relating to: carrying or going armed with a concealed weapon, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, making appropriations, and providing penalties.

Bill Text and History

Senate Bill 285
Senate Bill 285
relating to: payment of employee required contributions under the Wisconsin Retirement System.

Bill Text and History

Senate Bill 286
Senate Bill 286
relating to: employment relations under the Municipal Employment Relations Act.

Bill Text and History

Senate Joint Resolution 76
Senate Joint Resolution 76
relating to: limiting spending by the state and certain local governmental units and requiring elector approval to exceed the limits (first consideration).

Bill Text and History

Budget Bill Subjects

Administration: Office of Justice Assistance
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Administration: Office of Justice Assistance

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection: Departmentwide and Resource Management
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection: Departmentwide and Resource Management

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection: Trade and Consumer Protection
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection: Trade and Consumer Protection

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Circuit Courts
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Circuit Courts

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Corrections: Adult Correctional Facilities
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Corrections: Adult Correctional Facilities

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Corrections: Community Corrections
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Corrections: Community Corrections

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Corrections: Departmentwide
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Corrections: Departmentwide

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Corrections: Juvenile Corrections
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Corrections: Juvenile Corrections

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Court of Appeals
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Court of Appeals

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

District Attorneys
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
District Attorneys

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Employee Trust Funds
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Employee Trust Funds

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Employment Relations
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Employment Relations

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Employment Relations Commission
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Employment Relations Commission

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Ethics Board
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Ethics Board

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Judicial Commission
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Judicial Commission

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Miscellaneous Appropriations
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Miscellaneous Appropriations

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Public Defender
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Public Defender

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Public Service Commission: Agencywide
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Public Service Commission: Agencywide

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Public Service Commission: Office of the Commissioner of Railroads
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Public Service Commission: Office of the Commissioner of Railroads

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Regulation and Licensing
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Regulation and Licensing

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Revenue: Lottery Administration
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Revenue: Lottery Administration

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Revenue: Tax Administration
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Revenue: Tax Administration

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Shared Revenue and Property Tax Relief: Direct Aid Payments
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Shared Revenue and Property Tax Relief: Direct Aid Payments

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Shared Revenue and Property Tax Relief: Local Revenue Options
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Shared Revenue and Property Tax Relief: Local Revenue Options

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Shared Revenue and Property Tax Relief: Other Credits
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Shared Revenue and Property Tax Relief: Other Credits

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Shared Revenue and Property Tax Relief: Property Taxation
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Shared Revenue and Property Tax Relief: Property Taxation

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Supreme Court
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Supreme Court

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Transportation: Local Transportation Projects
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Transportation: Local Transportation Projects

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Transportation: State Patrol
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Transportation: State Patrol

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Transportation: Transportation Finance
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Transportation: Transportation Finance

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

University of Wisconsin System
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
University of Wisconsin System

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Veterans Affairs: Educational Approval Board
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Veterans Affairs: Educational Approval Board

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Veterans Affairs: Trust Fund Programs and Veterans Benefits
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Veterans Affairs: Trust Fund Programs and Veterans Benefits

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Wisconsin Technical College System
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Wisconsin Technical College System

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Workforce Development: Employment, Training and Vocational Rehabilitation Programs
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Workforce Development: Employment, Training and Vocational Rehabilitation Programs

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Topics Not Yet Assigned A Bill Or Rule Number

LRB141/Secondhand dealers & Pawnbrokers
Development, drafting or introduction of a proposal relating to
LRB141/Secondhand dealers & Pawnbrokers

Action Intended To Affect
Both Legislative Matter and Rule

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

State-local government relations
Development, drafting or introduction of a proposal relating to
State-local government relations

Action Intended To Affect
Legislative Matter

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

LRB 2912/3 Secondhand Dealers
Development, drafting or introduction of a proposal relating to
LRB 2912/3 Secondhand Dealers

Action Intended To Affect
Both Legislative Matter and Rule

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Municipal employment relations reform.
Development, drafting or introduction of a proposal relating to
Municipal employment relations reform.

Action Intended To Affect
Legislative Matter

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Computer crimes seizure of computers
Development, drafting or introduction of a proposal relating to
Computer crimes seizure of computers

Action Intended To Affect
Legislative Matter

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Telemarketing rules
Development, drafting or introduction of a proposal relating to
Telemarketing rules

Action Intended To Affect
Rule (by a state agency)

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

LRB 0964/1 eliminate residency requirements
Development, drafting or introduction of a proposal relating to
LRB 0964/1 eliminate residency requirements

Action Intended To Affect
Legislative Matter

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

LRB 0041/3 relating to reporting of child abuse and neglect and actions related to sexual exploitation of a child by a member of the clergy
Development, drafting or introduction of a proposal relating to
LRB 0041/3 relating to reporting of child abuse and neglect and actions related to sexual exploitation of a child by a member of the clergy

Action Intended To Affect
Legislative Matter

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Retaining the Milwaukee County Sheriffs Department for patrol on Milwaukee County freeways.
Development, drafting or introduction of a proposal relating to
Retaining the Milwaukee County Sheriffs Department for patrol on Milwaukee County freeways.

Action Intended To Affect
Legislative Matter

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Milwaukee Police Association

Total Lobbying Effort

January - June
July - December
Total Lobbying Expenditures 2004
January - June
July - December
Total $4,870.46
Total Hours Communicating 2004
January - June
July - December
Total 33.50
Total Hours Other 2004
January - June
July - December
Total 50.00

Percent Allocation of Lobbying Effort

Legislative Bills/Resolutions

No legislative bills/resolutions found.

Budget Bill Subjects

No budget bill subjects found.

Administrative Rulemaking Proceedings

No administrative rulemaking proceedings found.

Topics Not Yet Assigned A Bill Or Rule Number

No topics found.

Minor Efforts

(Time spent on matters each of which accounted for less than 10% of the organization's lobbying.)

Minor Efforts
January - June
July - December
January - June
July - December
January - June
July - December
January - June
July - December
Total 99%

Other Matters

Includes time spent on:

  • Gubernatorial nominations
  • Matters on which the organization made no lobbying communication

Other Matters
January - June
July - December
January - June
July - December
January - June
July - December
January - June
July - December
Total 1%

Filed Statements of Lobbying Activity and Expenditures