Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Association, Inc.

Registered Principal Details

Business Or Interest:
Membership is comprised of Wisconsin county land conservation committee members and county land and water conservation department staff.

Lobbying Interests:
Issues pertaining to county land and water conservation department interests, such as protecting water quality and quantity, soil conservation, nonpoint source pollution, wetland protection, invasive species control and mitigation, land use planning, farmland preservation, and budget matters related to county conservation departments and state departments of agriculture and natural resources.

Matt Krueger
121 S. Pinckney St. Ste. 420
Madison, WI 53703
(608) 441-2677

Authorized Lobbyists

Lobbyist Name Exclusive Duties Authorized On Withdrawn On

Lobbying Interests

Legislative Bills/Resolutions

Senate Bill 3
Senate Bill 3
Relating to: requiring local approval for certain wind and solar projects before Public Service Commission approval.

Bill Text and History

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Topics Not Yet Assigned A Bill Or Rule Number

DOR budget
Development, drafting or introduction of a proposal relating to
DOR budget

Action Intended To Affect
Both Legislative matter and rule

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Farmland Preservation Program

DNR budget
Development, drafting or introduction of a proposal relating to
DNR budget

Action Intended To Affect
Both Legislative matter and rule

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

DATCP budget
Development, drafting or introduction of a proposal relating to
DATCP budget

Action Intended To Affect
Both Legislative matter and rule

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

LRB 0775/1 relating to requiring local approval for certain wind and solar projects before Public Service Commission approval
Development, drafting or introduction of a proposal relating to
LRB 0775/1 relating to requiring local approval for certain wind and solar projects before Public Service Commission approval

Action Intended To Affect
Legislative matter

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Matters related to wake boats and wake surfing
Development, drafting or introduction of a proposal relating to
Matters related to wake boats and wake surfing

Action Intended To Affect
Both Legislative matter and rule

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal do not intend to communicate on this matter.

Matters related to climate resilience and county land and water dept staff funding
Development, drafting or introduction of a proposal relating to
Matters related to climate resilience and county land and water dept staff funding

Action Intended To Affect
Legislative matter

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal do not intend to communicate on this matter.

Regulation of commercial waterways
Development, drafting or introduction of a proposal relating to
Regulation of commercial waterways

Action Intended To Affect
Both Legislative matter and rule

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal do not intend to communicate on this matter.

Development, drafting or introduction of a proposal relating to

Action Intended To Affect
Both Legislative matter and rule

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal do not intend to communicate on this matter.

Matters related to the DATCP Soil & Water Resource Mgmt Program
Development, drafting or introduction of a proposal relating to
Matters related to the DATCP Soil & Water Resource Mgmt Program

Action Intended To Affect
Both Legislative matter and rule

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal do not intend to communicate on this matter.

Development, drafting or introduction of a proposal relating to

Action Intended To Affect
Both Legislative matter and rule

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal do not intend to communicate on this matter.

Livestock siting
Development, drafting or introduction of a proposal relating to
Livestock siting

Action Intended To Affect
Both Legislative matter and rule

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal do not intend to communicate on this matter.

Matters related to county land conservation committees
Development, drafting or introduction of a proposal relating to
Matters related to county land conservation committees

Action Intended To Affect
Both Legislative matter and rule

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal do not intend to communicate on this matter.

Matters related to the state Nonpoint Source Program
Development, drafting or introduction of a proposal relating to
Matters related to the state Nonpoint Source Program

Action Intended To Affect
Both Legislative matter and rule

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal do not intend to communicate on this matter.

Farmland preservation
Development, drafting or introduction of a proposal relating to
Farmland preservation

Action Intended To Affect
Both Legislative matter and rule

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal do not intend to communicate on this matter.

Total Lobbying Effort

No certified reports found.

Percent Allocation of Lobbying Effort

Legislative Bills/Resolutions

No legislative bills/resolutions found.

Budget Bill Subjects

No budget bill subjects found.

Administrative Rulemaking Proceedings

No administrative rulemaking proceedings found.

Topics Not Yet Assigned A Bill Or Rule Number

No topics found.

Minor Efforts

No minor efforts found.

Other Matters

No other matters found.

Filed Statements of Lobbying Activity and Expenditures