Wisconsin Infrastructure Investment Now, Inc.

Registered Principal Details

Business Or Interest:
Construction contractors, businesses in the utility, telecommunications and mining industries, and employees or employee groups that work in construction or the listed industries.

Lobbying Interests:
Transportation facilities, renewable and traditional energy projects, mining and other infrastructure projects and to promote governmental policies that support such infrastructure investment and expansion.

John Gard
4230 East Town Blvd. #245
Madison, WI 53704
(920) 860-6780

Authorized Lobbyists

Lobbyist Name Exclusive Duties Authorized On Withdrawn On
JOHN GARD Exclusive Duties No Authorized On 12/20/2024 Withdrawn On N/A

Lobbying Interests

Topics Not Yet Assigned A Bill Or Rule Number

Development, drafting or introduction of a proposal relating to

Action Intended To Affect
Both Legislative matter and rule

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal do not intend to communicate on this matter.

Transportation Financing and Construction
Development, drafting or introduction of a proposal relating to
Transportation Financing and Construction

Action Intended To Affect
Legislative matter

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal do not intend to communicate on this matter.

Wisconsin's Bid Law
Development, drafting or introduction of a proposal relating to
Wisconsin's Bid Law

Action Intended To Affect
Legislative matter

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal do not intend to communicate on this matter.

Worker Misclassification
Development, drafting or introduction of a proposal relating to
Worker Misclassification

Action Intended To Affect
Both Legislative matter and rule

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal do not intend to communicate on this matter.

Total Lobbying Effort

No certified reports found.

Percent Allocation of Lobbying Effort

Legislative Bills/Resolutions

No legislative bills/resolutions found.

Budget Bill Subjects

No budget bill subjects found.

Administrative Rulemaking Proceedings

No administrative rulemaking proceedings found.

Topics Not Yet Assigned A Bill Or Rule Number

No topics found.

Minor Efforts

No minor efforts found.

Other Matters

No other matters found.

Filed Statements of Lobbying Activity and Expenditures