Single Sales Factor Coalition, LLC

Registered Principal Details

Business Or Interest:
Coalition of manufacturers working to pass single sales factor legislation.

Lobbying Interests:
Lobbying single sales factor legislation.

CEO Name:
Fred Shaffer

Fred Shaffer
401 N Lake St
Neenah, WI 54956
(920) 721-3117
(920) 225-4502

Authorized Lobbyists

Lobbyist Name Exclusive Duties Authorized On Withdrawn On
Ray Carey Exclusive Duties N/A Authorized On 1/2/2003 Withdrawn On N/A
Kathleen Walby Exclusive Duties N/A Authorized On 1/2/2003 Withdrawn On N/A
Scott Tyre Exclusive Duties N/A Authorized On 1/2/2003 Withdrawn On N/A

Lobbying Interests

Legislative Bills/Resolutions

Assembly Bill 413
Assembly Bill 413
relating to: single sales factor apportionment of income for corporate income tax and franchise tax purposes and granting rule-making authority.

Bill Text and History

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.
Senate Bill 197
Senate Bill 197
relating to: single sales factor apportionment of income for corporate income tax and franchise tax purposes and granting rule-making authority.

Bill Text and History

2003 Wisconsin Act 37

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Budget Bill Subjects

Revenue: Tax Administration
Biennial budget bill treatment of matter relating to
Revenue: Tax Administration

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Topics Not Yet Assigned A Bill Or Rule Number

Legislation relating to the effective date of single sales legislation.
Development, drafting or introduction of a proposal relating to
Legislation relating to the effective date of single sales legislation.

Action Intended To Affect
Legislative Matter

Notification Date
First Communication Date
Communication Information
The principal, a lobbyist authorized by the principal, or another individual acting on behalf of the principal has not yet communicated on this matter, but intends to do so at a later date.

Total Lobbying Effort

January - June
July - December
Total Lobbying Expenditures 2004
January - June
July - December
Total $0.00
Total Hours Communicating 2004
January - June
July - December
Total 0.00
Total Hours Other 2004
January - June
July - December
Total 1.20

Percent Allocation of Lobbying Effort

Legislative Bills/Resolutions

No legislative bills/resolutions found.

Budget Bill Subjects

No budget bill subjects found.

Administrative Rulemaking Proceedings

No administrative rulemaking proceedings found.

Topics Not Yet Assigned A Bill Or Rule Number

No topics found.

Minor Efforts

No minor efforts found.

Other Matters

No other matters found.

Filed Statements of Lobbying Activity and Expenditures